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Haine pentru vacanța mea
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speakerHaineclothes pentrufor vacanța meamy vacation

speakerLuciaLucia esteis laat una magazinstore.
headspeakerBună ziuahello, aveți nevoie dedo you need ajutorhelp?
headspeakerDayes, îmi trebuieI need haineclothes pentrufor vacanța meamy vacation.
Lucia is shopping for clothes for a vacation.
  • No, that's wrong.
  • Yes, that's right.
headspeakerÎmi trebuieI need oa rochiedress.
speakerLiliLili cautălooks for oa rochie verdegreen dress.
Lili is getting a…
  • …green dress.
  • …red dress.
  • …green hat.
headspeakerNuno, vreauI want oa rochiered dress roșie!
speakerLiliLili cautălooks for oa rochie roșiered dress.
headspeakerȘiand vreauI want oa jachetăjacket.
Tap what you hear
speakerLiliLili cautălooks for oa jachetă roșiered jacket.
headspeakerNuno, vreauI want oa jachetă marobrown jacket!
headspeakerOa rochie roșiered dress, oa jachetă marobrown jacket...
Select the missing phrase
headspeaker...șiand oa pălăriehat!
speakerLiliLili cautălooks for oa pălărie albastrăblue hat.
headspeakerNuno, euI vreauwant oa pălărie grigray hat!
speakerLiliLili cautălooks for oa pălărie grigray hat.
headspeakerMulțumescthank you! SuntI am gataready pentrufor vacanța meamy vacation!
Choose the option meaning "ready."
! mea!
headspeakerAcumnow euI am nevoieneed de o vacanțăa vacation!
Poor Lili! Why does she need a vacation?
  • She ate too much for lunch.
  • She's tired after helping Lucia find clothes.
  • She wants to buy new clothes to wear.
Tap the pairs