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Mai mult spaţiu
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speakerMai multmore spaţiuspace

speakerSergiuSergiu, un prieten a lui JuniorJunior's friend, vorbeşte(he) talks cuwith tatăl luihis dad.
headspeakerÎmi trebuieI need oa meseriejob, tatăDad.
Select the missing phrase
headspeakerSergiuSergiu, aiyou have opt anieight years old.
headspeakerNu-ţi trebuieyou don't need oa meseriejob.
headspeakerAvem nevoie dewe need mai mulţimore banimoney.
headspeakerAvemwe have banimoney, SergiuSergiu.
headspeakerAvem nevoie dewe need mai mulţimore banimoney pentru ain order to cumpărabuy oa nouănew casăhouse.
headspeakerCasahouse astathis eis preatoo micăsmall.
Choose the option that means "small".
e .
headspeakerSergiuSergiu! Casathis astahouse nu eis not micăsmall!
headspeakerŞiand avem nevoie dewe need oa maşină nouănew car.
headspeakerDe cewhy?
headspeakerPentru because eit's preatoo micăsmall.
headspeakerNe trebuiewe need mai multmore spaţiuspace.
What does Sergiu mean?
  • His shoes are too small.
  • The family needs a bigger space.
  • He wants to travel far away.
headspeakerMai multmore spaţiuspace?
headspeakerNe trebuiewe need spaţiuspace pentrufor bebeluşbaby, tatăDad.
Choose the option that means "baby".
Ne trebuie spaţiu , .
headspeakerCewhat bebeluşbaby?
headspeakerBebeluşul nou al mameimom's new baby.
headspeakerMamamom? Una bebeluşbaby?!
headspeakerEşti bineare you OK tatădad?
headspeakerNe trebuiewe need oa casă nouănew house şiand oa maşină nouănew car!
headspeakerŞiand dayes, avem nevoie dewe need mai multmore spaţiuspace!
What did Sergiu tell his father?
  • He is going to quit school.
  • His mother is having a baby.
  • He bought a new house.
Tap the pairs