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speaker艾迪Eddy醫生(the) doctor

speaker艾迪Eddyis (at)超市(the) supermarket
speaker一位女士a lady對他to him說話talks
A woman talks to Eddy at the supermarket.
  • Yes, that's right.
  • No, that's wrong.
headspeaker你是不是are you醫生(a) doctor
headspeakerme?​醫生(a) doctor?​ah……
headspeakeryes。​我是I am醫生(a) doctor
speaker艾迪Eddy其實actually不是is not醫生(a) doctor
Tap what you hear
headspeaker我有I have很多a lot (of)money
headspeakerI住在live豪宅裡in (a) mansion
headspeakerI穿著am wearing名牌的衣服branded clothes
headspeaker很好very well,​但是but……
headspeaker那位老人that old man現在now需要needs看醫生to see a doctor
headspeakerhe靠近(is) near牛奶(the) milk那邊that side
headspeakerhe真的reallyvery much需要needs你的your幫助help
The man who needs help is near the…
  • …station.
  • …tomatoes.
  • …milk.
headspeakerhe(is) sick(to the degree of being)very嚴重grave
Choose the option that means "sick."
speaker艾迪Eddy看見sees另一位another女士lady,​alsogoes跟她with her說話talks
headspeaker你好hello,​你是are you醫生(a) doctor​嗎?
What happened in the story?
  • Eddy started med school to become a doctor.
  • Eddy pretended to be a doctor to impress a woman.
  • Eddy saved a man at the supermarket.
Tap the pairs