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La studiante nova
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speakerLathe studiante novanew student

speakerZariZari eand LilyLily esare enon lathe busbus.
headspeakerLilyLily, on avethere is una studiante novanew student enin nosaour claseclass.
Zari tells Lily that there's a new teacher at their school.
  • No, that's wrong.
  • Yes, that's right.
headspeakerSuahis nomname esis MiguelMiguel.
headspeakerSiyes, elhe veni deis from MexicoMexico.
headspeakerSuahis padrefather scrivewrites librosbooks.
Select the missing phrase
headspeakerMulte interesantevery interesting.
headspeakerElhe parlaspeaks espaniolSpanish, englesEnglish, eand portugesPortuguese.
headspeakerAoh,, elhe esis intelijenteintelligent.
headspeakerInteligienteintelligent eand altatall. Eand elhe avehas multevery belapretty...
How does Zari describe Miguel?
  • He's short and blond.
  • He's handsome and loud.
  • He's intelligent and tall.
headspeakerHaha, haha, siyes?
headspeakerMmhmm sapatos multe belavery pretty shoes.
headspeakerZariZari, MiguelMiguel esis posbehind tuyou.
Choose the option that means "behind."
, tu.
headspeakerAlohello, MiguelMiguel!
headspeakerAlohello, LilyLily! Como lo vadehow are you?
headspeakerBonfine, grasiasthank you.
Tap what you hear
headspeakerMiguelMiguel, estathis esis mea amimy friend, ZariZari.
headspeakerElshe gustalikes tuayour sapatosshoes.
headspeakerAoh, hmmhmm, alohello MiguelMiguel.
Zari didn't realize that…
  • …Miguel's shoes were so ugly.
  • …Miguel was sitting behind her.
  • …her homework was due today.
Tap the pairs