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A Lucy e os dinossauros
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speakerA LucyLucy eand osthe dinossaurosdinosaurs

speakerA LucyLucy abreopens a porta do seu apartamentoher apartment's door.
headspeakerOláhello JuniorJunior!
Select the missing phrase
headspeakerOláhello! podes ajudar-meyou can help me com o meu trabalho de casawith my homework?
headspeakerTenho que escreverI have to write alguma coisasomething.
headspeakerOhoh, claroof course!!
headspeakerEscrevoI write muitovery bemwell. TenhoI have uma blog muito popularvery popular blog.
Tap what you hear
headspeakerTuyou lêsread o meumy blogblog?
headspeakerTenhoI have tantosmany livrosbooks.
headspeakerPrecisasyou need dos meusmy livrosbooks parafor o teu trabalho de casayour homework?
What's next?
headspeakerNãono, não preciso dosI don't need teus livrosyour books.
  • muito popularvery popular
  • teus livrosyour books
  • teu apartamentoyour apartment
headspeakerEand sobre o que é o teu trabalho de casawhat is your homework about?
headspeakerSobreabout os dinossaurosdinosaurs.
What is Junior's homework about?
  • dinossauros
  • redes sociais
  • literatura espanhola
headspeakerEand por quewhy queresyou want a minhamy ajudahelp?
headspeakerPorquebecause ésyou are muitovery velhaold.
headspeakerConhecesyou know muitosmany dinossaurosdinosaurs, não éright?
headspeakerTchaubye JuniorJunior.
Why did Junior think Lucy knew about dinosaurs?
  • She is older than him.
  • She used to have a dinosaur as a pet.
  • She writes a blog about dinosaurs.
Tap the pairs