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A aula de dança
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Athe aula de dançadance class

O EddyEddy entraenters na aula de dança da ElianaEliana's dance class.
headOláhello pessoalguys
headQuemwho sente a vontade defeels like dançardancing
Select the missing phrase
headHojetoday vamos aprenderwe're going to learn coisas novasnew things.
EddyEddy levanta-sestands up eand caminhawalks paratowards a portathe door.
headAonde vaiswhere are you going?
headDançardancing é um pouco assustadoris a little scary
headMasbut éit's muito divertidoa lot of fun!
headSimyes, masbut achoI think quethat istothis éis uma erro.mistake
Choose the option that means "this."
Sim, é um
headSem medodon't be scared. Éit's fácileasy, olhalook!
Tap what you hear
EddyEddy awatches ElianaEliana a dancardancing.
headAgoranow dançadance comigowith me.
headIstothis éis muito divertidoa lot of fun!
headO que pensaswhat do you think agoranow? Esta aulathis class éis um erroa mistake?
Eliana wants to know…
  • …why Eddy is such a terrible dancer.
  • …if Eddy still thinks going to her class was a mistake.
  • …if Eddy is a dance teacher.
headA sérioreally?
headEstathis não éis not a minhamy aulaclass.
headMasbut, éit's maismore divertidafun do quethan umaa aula de cozinharcooking class!
Oops! What was Eddy's mistake?
  • He used to date Eliana.
  • He forgot to wear his dancing shoes.
  • He was supposed to go to a cooking class.
Tap the pairs