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Doktor Eddy
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speakerDoktordoctor EddyEddy

speakerEddyEddy süpermarkette(is) at the supermarket.
speakerBira kadınwoman onunlawith him konuşur(she) talks.
A woman talks to Eddy at the supermarket.
  • Yes, that's right.
  • No, that's wrong.
headspeakerAhoh, merhabahello.
headspeakerDoktordoctor musunuzare you?
headspeakerBenme? Doktor(a) doctor?? Ah uh...
headspeakerEvetyes. BenI bir doktorum(am) a doctor.
speakerEddyEddy bira doktordoctor değil(is) not.
Tap what you hear
headspeakerBenimI çoklots of parammoney varhave.
headspeakerBenI çokvery büyükbig bir evdein a house yaşıyorum(I) live.
headspeakerBenim I... çokvery pahalıexpensive pantalonlarımpants varhave.
headspeakerTamamOK, ama but...
headspeakerO adamato that man hemennow bira doktordoctor lazım(is) needed.
headspeakerOhe,, sütün(the) milk yakınında(is) near.
headspeakerLütfenplease, o adamato that man yardımhelp lazım(is) needed!
The man who needs help is near the…
  • …station.
  • …tomatoes.
  • …milk.
headspeakerAdam(the) man çokvery hasta(he is) sick!
Choose the option that means "sick."
headspeakerEyvahoh no!
speakerEddyEddy bira kadınwoman görürsees veand onunlawith her konuşur(he) talks.
headspeakerMerhabahello, doktordoctor musunuzare you?
What happened in the story?
  • Eddy started med school to become a doctor.
  • Eddy pretended to be a doctor to impress a woman.
  • Eddy saved a man at the supermarket.
Tap the pairs